Practicing astrologer, follower of SPbAA scientific astrology. The mastermind of the Bhrigu ecosystem. Founder of
The founder of the project, СЕО
The manager of the design studio.
UI\UX design
Expert and entrepreneur in the field of it. Knows10 languages, only 2 of them human.
Practicing astrologer, laboratory expert. Senior research scientist with the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
Astronomy and astrologer expert
Jyotish Astrology.
Founder of the Vedic school Jyoti Peeth
Astrologer, expert in the field of horary astrology
Investment management. Bu
siness development and strategic partnership. M. E. Sc. He worked in commercial banks, CEO in the project AETERNUM.
Modeling of system interactions.
in decision-making. IT System Analyst, QA, QC.