All tokens unsold during Pre-ICO will be sold at ICO. ICO BRI 1 cost is USD 0.01
Conditions of BHRIGU sales during Pre-ICO in the year 2020
Services for BHRIGU token holders
Holding token sale we offer all prospective token holders the ability to receive exclusive access to a part of the developing infrastructure of the neuron net.
Holders of large amounts of infrastructure tokens will be getting different levels of access to prognostic business services:
— indicators of traditional as well as crypto markets (possibility of rise/fall of asset prices)
— indicators of possible advent of important events that can influence the market
— auxiliary trade service products (bots, portfolio monitoring products)
— analytical products (ICO ratings, analysis of the market condition, portfolio analysis)
Product access limits
In order to avoid a diminution of prognostication value (considering limited market capacity and prospective influence on it), access and the set of available services will be limited and granted for BHRIGU tokens. We post here the first complete version of the net of access to Investment services on the conclusion of the token sale.
Distribution of funds obtained after Token Sale (100%)
Setting up a dynamic motivating pool for experts (including founders and co-founders).
Fund supporting and developing Knowledge (schools, ashrams, instructors and s.o.).
Budget for performing administrative duties.
Marketing, PR, advisers, legal advice (15%)
Promotion of the Bhrigu platform – new generation prognostication services –
for perpetual growth of the number of experts and users.
Development of AI and the platform (45%)
Carrying out scientific work, creation and development of AI, infrastructure design, creation and promotion of services (development of Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, API, BAAPS, services, mobile applications, smart contracts and s.o.). Functional expenses – salaries, office rent, etc.
Changes of a participant's status and access possibilities with the change of their involvement in the project
Changes of a participant's status and access possibilities with the change of their involvement in the project
BHRIGU, up to 15'000
Access level:
Use of the platform and the purse, active participation in promotion of your own net through the referral program, possibility to up your status to Club Member.
BHRIGU 15'000 – 75'000
Access level:
Possibility to up your status to Expert Participant
BHRIGU 150'000 – 3 million
Access level:
Participation in development and right to get reward for development. Charge-free advertisement on the platform. Expert status. Access to classified information about platform development.
Discount on business services 20%
BHRIGU 3 million – 30 million
Access level:
Participation in development and right to get reward for development. Charge-free advertisement on the platform. Adviser status. Access to classified information of the second level. Free astrological consultations.
Discount on business services 50%
BHRIGU 30 million (100 million being the upper limit)
Access level:
VIP person status. Access to classified information of the first level. Free astrological consultations.
Discount on business services 100%
Partnership program
Even now every new participant receives a reward of BHRIGU 1000 on their personal virtual account. The partnership program is active in this version up to the moment ICO gets started.
1. The System's active participant (1) involving a new participant (2) receives BHRIGU equivalent of 10% of the sum invested by the new participant.
A sum in BHRIGU by the currently announced rate will be accrued to the dummy account of the active participant (1).
2. The System's active participant (1) who involved a participant (2) who in their turn involved a new participant (3) receives 3% of the sum invested by the new participant (3). A sum in BHRIGU by the currently announced rate will be accrued to the account of the active participant (1).
Monetization of experts' intellectual input
The experts comprising the Bhrigu ecosystem provide a source of prognostication algorithms for the neuron net on the one hand and offer specific services that can influence future events on the other.
To ensure an effective function of the whole system, the platform makes it possible for both professional and non-professional experts as well as analysts belonging to different systems to monetize their intellectual labor.
Every expert in the ecosystem will be able to generate their own prognostication algorithms. Upon the new algorithm having been tested on the real event database, the expert receives a reward commensurate to their contribution.
Every Bhrigu expert enjoys the possibility to consult users, post professional material, create their own brand, set up a school, a shop, and s.o.
The expert can create their own rating of both users and professionals. The number of points in both ratings can increase and decrease depending on the opinions of users and other experts. The rating is open for viewing, which provides the needful competitive motivation for each and every expert.
The rating gets fixed at the end of each month, and the best experts share between themselves a monetary award according to the points received during the month. With the beginning of a new month the rating gets reset to nil (to give everyone fair chance during the new timespan) and a new monthly run begins.
The monthly monetary award is provided by the Reserve Fund. The amount of the monthly award and the rules of its sharing are announced before the beginning of each month.